Archive for the ‘ Announcement ’ Category

Announcement KpopFashionFL Has a new Writer Weolcome her :)

Well as all of the readers know I have been looking for  writer’s to help me update this blog and now I have a new Writer for the Blog so I hope everyone welcomes KpopYemein to the KpopFashionFL Team and Look out for her first post. Oh and also credit to her for the new blogs banner and layout she did it isnt it amazing :). I am still looking for more writers as I am now thinking about expanding this blog so that it can be more worldwide so say I live Here in the states so I use the stores available here to create a similar look for Kpop fans to dress like their favorite artists so to expand on this is like having another writer in Japan and using the stores around them and their area to create a kpop look for japanese fans I dont know if I’m making sense though lol so if your interested please don’t hesitate to contact me at Harujukulover@aol.comthe only requirement is to be able to communicate with me in english it doesnt have to be perfect english as long as you can write in english I have no problem in proof reading the articles before hand 🙂 and thanks again to KpopYemien I’ll also be looking out to your first post and welcome to the blog and again thanks for the banner